
Galerie Meubles et Lumières : Mireille Moser. Terre en lumière

In their very elegant and minimal gallery on the rue de Seine, the two antique dealers, Guiheim Faget and Alexandre Goult, have established themselves with pieces by renowned designers such as Pierre Guariche, Gino Sarfatti or Pierre Paulin… For a few years, they have been passionate about the avant-garde of the 60s and its scalable and modular design. They celebrate the new year with a superb exhibition of the ceramist Mireille Moser that they have been accompanying for several years. For the first time, the Swiss artist, who is based in a small village in the Drôme, in Rochebaudin, mixes broken and angular glass with her favourite sandstone to create a subtle play between opacities and transparencies. Over the years, she has been able to combine volume, the polychromy of matte or glossy enamels, and smooth texture, rough and scarified.

  • 19th september – 19th october 

Galerie Meubles et Lumières

31 Rue de Seine, Paris 6e www.meublesetlumieres.com/fr/
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