For culture, history, or music
Finally! will shout the spectators who will return to the city theater in September. During the seven years of the work, the musical, theatrical or choreographic programs prepared by the teams took place in various locations. Not far from there, the Ircam (Institut de recherche et coordination acoustique/musique) or Espro Projection Space has already relaunched its activities after eight years of closure. Modular and with acoustics adapted to what is presented, this Espro is dedicated to electro- nic music, installations, performances, participatory science or immersive audio. On the left bank of the Seine, a new floating art centre called Quai de la Photo will offer exhibitions of contemporary works produced by both big names and emerging artists. Food & drink offers, excursions or cruises from an integrated marina are also planned. A site formerly dedicated to aeronautics has been transformed into a site where, from March, events will take place on the themes of art, science and technology, history and nature: this is Hangar Y.
Exhibitions and workshops are on the programme. In this building were installed a café Y and a restaurant, Le Perchoir Y. The park that surrounds it houses works of Christian Boltanski, Subodh Gupta, Kiki Smith… Under the Grande Arche de La Défense, La Cité de l’Histoire, whose director is historian and animator Franck Ferrand, has been inviting visitors to travel back in time through immersive experiences (virtual reality, holograms, 360° video mapping). This 6,000 m2 “City” includes seventeen rooms tracing twelve centuries of French history, a 360° video projection of the writer Victor Hugo, Hugo, the man revolutions, a giant chronological frieze, digital and interactive with 25 touch stations to navigate among 400 historical dates. At the same place, before the opening of this City, was proposed “collective and immersive expedition in virtual reality” Eternal Notre-Dame. This virtual reality route still exists – separate ticket office – and, since January 17, is also available at the Espace Notre-Dame, a new place located under the courtyard of the cathedral. You are, here and there, told the construction of the monument and the events associated with it.

- Espace de projection de l’Ircam. 1, place Igor Stravinsky, 4e.
- Éternelle Notre- Dame. Sous le parvis de Notre-Dame de Paris, 4e
- La Cité de l’Histoire. Sous la Grande Arche. Parvis de La Défense, Puteaux, 92
- Hangar Y. Avenue de Trivaux, Meudon, 92
- Quai de la Photo. 22, port de la Gare, 13e
- Théâtre de la Ville. 2, place du Châtelet, 4e