Goosens: a cozy and exclusive new showcase on rue Saint-Honoré
Where does France get its reputation for chic? Jewelry designer Goosens, for one. Although dozens of haute couture labels have tapped into the talent of Robert Goosens since the 1950s – Chanel, Balenciaga, Saint Laurent, Dior – he opened his first store only in 1974, on avenue George V, letting his creativity run wild with jewelry and déco designs inspired by rock crystal, gilt bronzes, coral branches and wheat sheaves. More than forty years on and ten years after selling the brand to Chanel, Goosens has opened a small 12 sq.m. store on rue Saint-Honoré. The shapes and raw materials of some of this jewelry, which looks like it’s been torn from a rock, are echoed in the walls and floors in solid, untreated wood, concrete, and exposed-stonework surfaces. Stripped-down with an art-gallery feel, it’s an ideal setting for the dazzling “Goosens spirit”.
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